Admission: BEcon in Development Economics

Admission going on 'Bachelor of Economics (BEcon.) in Development Economics' [Session: 2019-20].


October 20, 2019 - 12:00 am


November 25, 2019 - 12:00 am



Admission going on ‘Bachelor of Economics (BEcon.) in Development Economics’ [Session: 2019-20].


Scholarship and Tuition Fee Waiver Facilities for BEcon students at DScE

1. Waiver at the time of new admission

(a) General Tuition fee waiver
Sl.Students categoryFee Waiver
i)Applies to all new students (On admission and throughout the programme)15%
(b) Additional waiver based on previous result(s)
Sl.Students categoryWaiver*
i)Students obtained GPA 5.00 in both SSC and HSC examinations20%
ii)Students obtained GPA 5.0 in HSC examination15%
iii)Students obtained an average GPA of 4.50 in SSC and HSC10%
* Tuition Fee Waiver (for the first semester only)

2. Merit waiver in future semesters (based on semester results)

Sl.Semester ResultWaiver**
Students obtained a SGPA of 3.85 and above in a semester40%
Students obtained a SGPA  of 3.75 to 3.84 in any semester25%
Students obtained a SGPA of 3.50 to 3.74 in any semester10%
** Tuition Fee Waiver (for the immediate next semester only)