Private: Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad
Chairman, DScE and Chairman, Governing Council, DScE9th January, 2018
Conference President: Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman, Governing Council, Dhaka School of Economics, Constituent Institute of University of Dhaka.
Jointly organized by DScE, PKSF and ERF.
Program will be divided into three sub categories:
- Environment
- Development
- Entrepreneurship
1) The sub theme on Environment is how the well-being of humanity, the environment and economies with agricultural sector, urbanization process, green environment etc.
2) The sub theme on Development relates to various economic, social, and human aspects of development, Community banking for transforming micro savings to micro investments, governance and identity issues, class divisions and the potential for empowerment and rights, gender biasedness , green economy, green consumer awareness, green production and green distribution and their contributions, financial markets, health care, fertility, literacy, education and political economy and investment for employment.
3) The sub theme on Entrepreneurship relates to social innovation, micro-enterprises, small-scale enterprises, and related to equitable distribution through entrepreneurship development,microinsurances, gender balances, business facilities, business incubators and business expansion issues, supply chain management, procurement, green funding at rural and urban areas especially slum dwellers at Bangladesh.
No Registration fee.
But all sorts of expenses including travel, accommodation, lodging etc. will have to bear by the participants.
Extended call for papers submission date is 26th December, 2017.
The abstract should be sent directly to mahboob.ali@dsce.edu.bd, mahboobalidsce@gmail.com
Prof. Dr. MuhammadMahboob Ali
Convener of the Conference Committee, DScE