Adm. Result: MEcon in Development Economics

Adm. Result: MEcon in Development Economics

Master of Economics (MEcon) in Development Economics

Notice (15.10.18): Following candidates have been provisionally selected for admission in Master of Economics (MEcon) in Development Economics, session 2018-2019. They are advised to report to the admission office (5th floor, Room-no-605) from 16 October, 2018 to 5 November, 2018 during office time to complete admission formalities.

List of provisionally selected candidates (not in order of merit):

1.2Solaiman Shawon
2.4Taslima Shahrin Seamoon
3.8Mohsin Reza
4.9Md. Nurul Islam
5.10Md. Mahmud Hasan
6.13Hadisa Akter
7.14Nusrat Pervin
8.17Shakina Ismail
9.18Hossain M. Fozle Elahi
11.20Md Matiur Rahman Sarker
12.22Md. Tayeem Hasan
13.23Arpita Sarkar
14.24Niluthpaul Sarker
15.25Shila Sarkar
16.27Mohsin Alam
17.28Md. Hasibul Hasan
18.29Md. Mahbub Zaman Khan

Following documents would be required to be submitted along with pay order (Payments to be made in the form of pay order in favor of “Dhaka School of Economics) at the time of admission:

  1. All original academic certificates (to be returned after admission formalities).
  2. Attested copy of registration card of the candidate (s) studied in the University of Dhaka.
  3. Original Migration certificate along with one attested copy for non Dhaka University student.
  4. 2 stamp size photographs.
  5. No objection certificate (NOC) from the employer.

For further information please contact admission office (5th floor, Room-no-605), phone: 9359628-9, 8316028 and 8316033 (Ext-120).

Head of Admin, Development and Academic Affairs
Dhaka School of Economics (DScE)