Admission Result’18: PGD in Enterprise Development

Admission Result’18: PGD in Enterprise Development

(Notice: 11.11.17) Following candidates have been provisionally selected for admission in Post Graduate Diploma in Enterprise Development, Session 2017-2018. They are advised to report to the admission office (5th floor, Room-no-605) from 12th November 2017 to 29th November 2017 during office time to complete admission formalities. Class starts on 2nd December, 2017, Saturday at 3 pm.

List of provisionally selected candidates

(not in order of merit):

Sl.Admit.RollName of the Candidate
1.1Khan Tamjid Ahmed
2.2Roufur Rahim
3.4Rajib Saha
5.6Mohammed Mofazzal Karim
6.7Mustafigur Rahman
7.9Md. Gulam Mostafa
8.8Md. Abdus Slam Farazi
9.13Sohel Parvez
10.10Md. Abdul Malek
11.11Md. Morshed Anower
12.12S.M. Noor Nabi
13.3Ibadur Rahman Ratul
14.14Md. Majibur Rahman
15.16Md. Nazimuddowlah
16.15Sabbir Hossain
17.17Md. Abu Jaher
18.21Maksudur Rahman Mridha
19.20Muhammad Atiqul Islam Moghal
20.19Muhammad Ashraful Islam
21.18Qazi Mahmudl Hasan
22.22Md. Mizanur Rahman
23.24Md. Emdadul Hoque
24.25S M Rashidul Islam
25.23Abul Kalam Mohammad Siddiqul Islam

Fee Structure

A. University of Dhaka fees (May Change) :
Registration fee for non DU Students5,000
Migration fee for non DU Students1,000
Exam fee (3,000X2 semester)6,000
Transcript (450X2 semester)900
Exam entry fee(100X2 semester)200
Sub: Total13,100
B. Dhaka School of Economics:
Admission fee3,000
Tuition fees: whole course (10,000*2 Sem)20,000
Computer LAB fee (250*12m)3,000
ID Card130
Exam center fee (1800*2)3,600
Library fee2,000
Sub: Total33,530
Total Amount =46,630

•    Student shall have to pay additional Tk. 1000/-(one thousand) as library caution money at the time of admission which is refundable.

Fees for whole course may be paid at a time of admission or in two installments. In the latter case, Tk. 22,380/- for DU students & Tk. 28,380/- for others (library caution money tk. 1000/- and tk. 130/- for ID card included) to be paid at the time of admission and the balance (Tk. 18,250/-) can be paid in second semester. Payments to be made in the form of pay order in favor of “Dhaka School of Economics”.

Following documents are required to be submitted along with pay order at the time of admission:

  • All original academic certificates (to be returned after admission formalities).
  • Attested copy of registration card of the candidate (s) studied in the University of Dhaka.
  • Original Migration certificate along with one attested copy for non Dhaka University student.
  • No objection certificate (NOC) from the employer.

For further information please contact admission office (5th floor, Room-no-605), phone: 9359628-9, 8316028 and 8316033 (Ext-120).

Head of Admin, Development and Academic Affairs
Dhaka School of Economics (DScE)