Admission Result’18: PGD in Economics

Admission Result’18: PGD in Economics

Post Graduate Diploma in Economics, Session 2017-2018.

(Notice: 21 January, 2018) Following candidates have been provisionally selected for admission in Post Graduate Diploma in Economics, Session 2017-2018. They are advised to report to the admission office (5th floor, Room-no-605) from 23rd January 2018 to 11th February 2018 during office time to complete admission formalities. Class starts on 13th February, 2018, Tuesday.

List of provisionally selected candidates (not in order of merit):

Sl. No.AdmitRoll#Name of the Candidate
1.3Tapas Chandra Bose
2.4Labiba Islam
3.5Amrita Kumar Baruri
4.1Anisur Rahman
5.6Muhammad Abdul Mannan Howlader
6.7Md. Kamrul Islam
7.8Md. Mushfiqur Rahman
8.10Shanat Datta
9.9Faiz Ahmed
10.11Mushfek- Ul- Alam Chowdhury
11.12Md. Mujibur Rahman
12.2Md. Oliur Rahman

Following documents would be required to be submitted along with pay order at the time of admission:

  1. All original academic certificates (to be returned after admission formalities).
  2. Attested copy of registration card of the candidate (s) studied in the University of Dhaka.
  3. Original Migration certificate along with one attested copy for non Dhaka University student.
  4. 2 stamp size photographs.
  5. No objection certificate (NOC) from the employer.

For further information please contact admission office (5th floor, Room-no-605), phone: 9359628-9, 8316028 and 8316033 (Ext-120).

Head of Admin, Development and Academic Affairs
Dhaka School of Economics (DScE)