Admission: BEcon in Development Economics

Admission: BEcon in Development Economics

Admission going on ‘Bachelor of Economics (BEcon.) in Development Economics [Session: 2019-20]

BEcon in Development Economics. Admission going on for 2020.

Admission Requirements:

  • Passed SSC/Dakhil/O level or equivalent examinations of 2014 to 2017 and HSC/Alim/A level or equivalent examinations of 2018 and 2019, Securing minimum score 7.5 combined (including 4th subject).
  • Candidates must have 5 subjects in O level and 2 subjects in A level. Out of 7 subjects candidates must have at least B in 4 subjects and C in 3 subjects.

Duration : 4 Years (8 semesters)

Degree is awarded by the University of Dhaka

Application Form (distribution and submission)

  • 14 October – 17 November, 2019

Admission Test

  • Written – 22 November, 2019 (11.00 am)
  • Viva Voce – 23 November, 2019


  • Development is perpetual and of utmost importance at all times to all societies
  • Development economics is important in that context and hence employment opportunities in government sectors, industrial bodies, private sectors, teaching & research Institute both nationally and internationally
  • Regular interactive class lectures, use of print and electronic media, teacher led power-point presentations, problem solving tutorial sessions, case studies, etc.
  • One of the best collections of text-books, reference books, research reports and other study materials on development economics in Bangladesh
  • Scholarship/fellowships opportunities for pursuing higher studies (MA, PhD) at both home and abroad
  • Opportunities for participating in seminars, conferences, debates, discussions, idea generation, etc.
  • Membership opportunities for Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA)
  • Faculty includes reputed development economists, statisticians, development analysts, etc. from home and abroad


Scholarship and Tuition Fee Waiver:

1. Waiver at the time of new admission

(a) General Tuition fee waiver
Sl.Students categoryFee Waiver
i)Applies to all new students (On admission and throughout the programme)15%

(b) Additional waiver based on previous result(s)
Sl.Students categoryWaiver*
i)Students obtained GPA 5.00 in both SSC and HSC examinations20%
ii)Students obtained GPA 5.0 in HSC examination15%
iii)Students obtained an average GPA of 4.50 in SSC and HSC10%
* Tuition Fee Waiver (for the first semester only)


2. Merit waiver in future semesters (based on semester results)

Sl.Semester ResultWaiver**
i)Students obtained a SGPA of 3.85 and above in a semester40%
ii)Students obtained a SGPA  of 3.75 to 3.84 in any semester25%
iii)Students obtained a SGPA of 3.50 to 3.74 in any semester10%
** Tuition Fee Waiver (for the immediate next semester only)


How to apply:

Admission Form available on: Front Desk Office, 5th Floor. Office hour: 10am-6pm (Saturday-Wednesday)
You can download the form (click here).


Head of Administration, Development and Academic Affairs
Dhaka School of Economics (DScE)
4/C Eskaton Garden Road, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Phone: 880-02-9359628-9, 8316028, 8316033, 01714037777