BEcon in Environmental and Resource Economics
Batch: 1, Session: 2015-16 Sl. Student Name Dissertation Title Supervisor 1 Sanjida Afroz Economics of Jute Cultivation: A Case Study of Chandpur District Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad 2 Taslima Akter Understanding the Economics of Solar Powered Irrigation System in Bangladesh: A Case Study Kazi Ehsanul Bari 3 Sumaia Binta Chowdhury Pesticide for Agriculture: An Assessment […]

MEcon in Environmental Economics
Batch: 9, Session: 2019-20 Sl. Student Dissertation Title Supervisor 1 Tasnim Tabassum Assessing Morphological Transformation of Agricultural Land and the Economic Consequences: A Case Study of Ishwardi Dr. Salma Sultan 2 Sumita Roy Environmental Cost of Traffic Congestion: An Evidence from Dhaka City, Bangladesh Mohammod Akbar Kabir 3 Md. Easir Amin Energy for Economic Development: […]

Newsletter (October, 17)
Dhaka School of Economics(DScE) has today published its quarterly newsletter providing highlights of its activities. Download: Newsletter(October, 2017)
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Climate Change induced Migration
Trends, Patterns and Impacts of Climate Change induced Migration on Livelihood Situation: A case of Resource-poor Households of the Barind Tract of Bangladesh (A Research of DScE in collaboration with Oxfam GB) Bangladesh is globally considered to be one of the most affected countries due to climate change. The Third Assessment Report of the IPCC […]

Journal on Environment and Development (Call for Article)
Call for Articles: The Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development (Print ISSN 1023-7895) is a refereed international journal published by Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) Dhaka since 1994. Under the new arrangement, Dhaka School of Economics (DScE) in association with BUP publishes the journals twice in a year since December 2013.