Journal on Environment and Development (Call for Article)
Call for Articles: The Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development (Print ISSN 1023-7895) is a refereed international journal published by Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) Dhaka since 1994. Under the new arrangement, Dhaka School of Economics (DScE) in association with BUP publishes the journals twice in a year since December 2013. Editors Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman […]
Call for Articles: The Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development (Print ISSN 1023-7895) is a refereed international journal published by Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) Dhaka since 1994. Under the new arrangement, Dhaka School of Economics (DScE) in association with BUP publishes the journals twice in a year since December 2013.
Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad
Director, Dhaka School of Economics (DScE)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Professor Richard A. Warrick
University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Call for Articles
The Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development (Print ISSN 1023-7895) is a refereed international journal published by Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) Dhaka since 1994. It comes out twice in a year- in June and December and aims to publish papers on diverse issues linking the environment and economic development. Under the new arrangement, Dhaka School of Economics (DScE) in association with BUP publishes the journal on a regular basis.
Development and environment are not essentially contradictory, but can be so in practice depending on the manner in which natural resources are used and preserved. Development activities in any society are highly influenced by the access to natural resources and may also be responsible for environmental degradation, which ultimately affects the economic health of that society. With unprecedented expansion of global economic activities and indiscriminate destruction of the environment, how to maintain a balanced relationship between economy and environment is a serious global research and policy agenda. In order to understand such problems, and to consider strategies and policies for dealing with them, an interdisciplinary perspective must be brought to bear on development-environment linkages. As research in this fast developing field multiplies, there is an urgent need in the region for a medium which will provide a forum for debate on pertinent issues and dissemination of relevant research findings. This journal is in response to this need. In general, it seeks to publish articles that are interdisciplinary in nature and adopt an integrated approach to environment and development. While the emphasis is on works directly related to the Asia-Pacific region, it does not exclude articles on global problems or on other regions that have high relevance to this region.
Contributions to this journal should directly or indirectly be related to any aspect of the environment and development, preferably in the context of the Asia Pacific region. All contributions should be research-based and will be peer reviewed. High quality review articles are also accepted for publication.
Guidelines for Contributors
Submission of Manuscript: Articles for publication should be between 5000 and 6000 words, typed in MS Word, double spacing using font size 12 of the Times New Roman. An abstract of about 150 to 200 words clearly mentioning the objective(s), scope, methodology, major findings and policy relevance, if any should also be included with the manuscript. Each table or figure must have its source(s) completely specified. Separate excel file(s) for figures and tables should be included with the manuscript.
Reference Style: All references must include the name(s) of the author(s), year, title of work, publishers and place of publication as indicated in the examples given below.
Book: Eaton, J., J. Smithers and S. Curran (1988), This is IT: A Manager’s Guide to Information Technology (2nd Edition), Philip Allan, Oxford.
Articles in periodicals: Ahmad, Q.K. (1992), “Policies and Strategies for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh”, Futures, Volume 24, No. 9.
Papers in books: Saleem, S. (1983), “Land Management in the Katchi Abadis of Karachi”, in Angel, S., R.W. Archer, S. Tanphiphat and E.A. Wegelin (eds.), Land for Housing the Poor, Select Books, Singapore, pp. 72-85.
Conference and seminar papers: Ahmad, Q.K. (1994), “Integrated River Basins Management for Socio-Economic Development of the GBM Region”, presented at the seminar on Management of International River Basins and Environmental Challenges, Dhaka, 16 March.
Online reference: Panayotou, Theodore (2000), “Economic Growth and the Environment”, Retrieved on 18 March 2013, from http:// www.hks.harvard.edu
All communications should be addressed to any of the following two persons, with a copy to the other:
Dr. M. Monirul Qader Mirza
Executive Editor Associate Executive Editor
Department o Physical and Environmental Sciences
University of Toronto at Scarborough
Toronto, Canada
E-mail: monirul.mirza@gmail.com
Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam
Dhaka School of Economics (DScE)
4/C Eskaton Garden Road , BEA Building, Dhaka 1000
E-mail: nazrul2002@yahoo.com
Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad
Dhaka School of Economics (DScE)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Professor Richard A. Warrick
University of the Sunshine Coast
Queensland, Australia