Batch: 1, Session: 2013-14

SlNameName of the DissertationSupervisors
1Md. Abdul Hye“Impact of Remittances on Remittance-Recipient Households’ Socio-Economic Behavior: A Study in Rajnagar Upazila of Moulvibazar Disatrict”Rezai Karim Khondker, PhD (WVU, USA); Professor, Development Economics, DScE
2Md. Abul Khayer“Wage Structure in Bangladesh RMG Sector Vis-à-vis Cost of Basic Needs : A Study in Asulia, Savar”Rezai Karim Khondker, PhD (WVU, USA); Professor, Development Economics, DScE
3Md. Afsar Ali“Informal Business: A Means of Survival for Street Vendors in Dhaka City”Tawheed Reza Noor, PhD; Assistant Professor, Development Economics, DScE
4Altaf Hossain“Financial Sector Development and Economic Growth: Evidences from Asian Countries”Kazi Saleh Ahmed, PhD, Professor, Development Economics, DScE
5Tapash Kumar Pal“Rural to Urban Migration of Labor and Analysis of Life and Livelihoods of Migrants Family: The Case of Khulna City, Bangladesh”Rezai Karim Khondker, PhD (WVU, USA); Professor, Development Economics, DScE
6Mominul Haque Azad“Impact of Remittance on Socio-Economic Life : A Study on Two-Selected Areas in Jamalpur District”Tawheed Reza Noor, PhD; Assistant Professor, Development Economics, DScE
7Emnetan Ashraf“Factors Affecting Firm’s Performance in Bangladesh”Akbar Kabir, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University Of Dhaka
8Mdohammad Mosharop Hossan“An Analysis of the Impact of Social Safety Net programs: A Study in Hazipara Union of Lakshmipur District”Syed Naimul Wadood, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University Of Dhaka
9Sujoy Barua“Shifting (Jhum) Cultivation Practice in the CHTs in the Perspective of Food Security: A Case of Selected Remote Villages of the District Rangamati”A K M Nazrul Islam, PhD, Associate Professor, Environmental and Resource Economics, DScE
10Md Mainul Islam“A Study of the Nature and Causes of Price Disparity of Farm Produce between Local and Retail Levels of Selected Vegetables in Bangladesh”Tawheed Reza Noor, PhD; Assistant Professor, Development Economics, DScE
11Iftekhairul Islam“Tourism and Burgeoning Economy of Srimangal: A Case Study”Md Touhidul Alam; Assistant Professor, Environmental and Resource Economics, DScE

Batch: 2, Session: 2014-15

SlNameName of the DissertationSupervisors
1Shuvashish Paul“Financial Inclusion and The Impact of Mobile Financial Services (MFSs) over In-Migrants In Dhaka City”Tawheed Reza Noor, PhD; Assistant Professor, Development Economics, DScE
2Sultan Mahmud“Modern technology in rice production and its environmental implications”Rezai Karim Khondker, PhD (WVU, USA); Professor, Development Economics, DScE
3Mostofa Tehsum“Livelihood Strategies of the Rickshaw Pullers in the Dhaka City”Syed Naimul Wadood, PhD; Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of Dhaka
4Riba Sultana“Traditional Pottery Industry in Dhaka: Problems and Prospects”Tawheed Reza Noor, PhD; Assistant Professor, Development Economics, DScE

Batch: 3, Session: 2015-16

SlNameName of the DissertationSupervisors
1Md. Rakib Hasan Rabbi“Perception, Experience and Cost Saving: Telemedicine for Rural Patients in Bangladesh”Rezai Karim Khondker, PhD (WVU, USA); Professor, Development Economics, DScE
2Muhammad Ibrahim“Causes, Problems, and Prospects of Floating Vendors at Traffic Signals in Dhaka City”Tawheed Reza Noor, PhD; Assistant Professor, Development Economics, DScE