Batch: 9, Session: 2019-20
Sl. | Student | Dissertation Title | Supervisor |
1 | Tasnim Tabassum | Assessing Morphological Transformation of Agricultural Land and the Economic Consequences: A Case Study of Ishwardi | Dr. Salma Sultan |
2 | Sumita Roy | Environmental Cost of Traffic Congestion: An Evidence from Dhaka City, Bangladesh | Mohammod Akbar Kabir |
3 | Md. Easir Amin | Energy for Economic Development: An Assessment of the Cost of LNG Imports by Bangladesh Until 2041 | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
Batch: 8, Session: 2018-19
Sl. | Student | Dissertation Title | Supervisor |
1 | Muhammad Faruq-Uz-Zaman | Improving Water Use Efficiency with Micro-irrigation System: A Case Study of Drip Irrigation Programme in Jessore | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
2 | Shakhaoat Hossain | Assessment of Air Quality with Selective Indicators: A Case Study of Greater Dhaka Metropolitan Area | Md. Touhidul Alam |
3 | Md. Tanjilur Rahman | Assessing Economic Impacts of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project on the Existing Water Transport Workers | Sadia Islam |
4 | Sanzida Parvin | Economic Cost of Waterlogging in Chittagong City: A Case Study of Halishahar Residential Estate | Tonmoy Chowdhury & Jishan Ara Mity |
5 | Zissan Bin Mazed | Effective Management of Wetlands: Challenges to Meet Up the Sustainable Development Goals | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
6 | Yiaser Arafat Rubel | Development of Construction Project Sustainability Index (CPSI): Bangladesh Context | Mohammod Akbar Kabir |
Batch: 7, Session: 2017-18
Sl. | Student | Dissertation Title | Supervisor |
1 | Asif Mahmud Anik | Public Transport System in Bangladesh: A Comparison of Economic, Environmental and Safety Issues between Bus and Train Services | Dr. Salma Sultan |
2 | Joy Deep Chakrabartty | Estimating Value of Pond Sand Filter and Managed Aquifer Recharge as Alternative Potable Water Sources in Salinity-prone Areas: A Case Study of Polder 29, Khulna | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
3 | Md. Faqrul Arefin | Estimating Economic Benefits of Green Building in the RMG Industry of Bangladesh | Mohammod Akbar Kabir |
4 | Ayesha Akter Labony | Economic Benefits and Environmental Concerns of Stone Lifting: Results from a Case Study in the Dharla River Area | Dr. Salma Sultan |
5 | Muhammad Taky Tahmid | Preservation of Agricultural Land in Rural Bangladesh: Implications of Transferable Development Rights | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
Batch: 6, Session: 2016-17
Sl. | Name | Dissertation Title | Supervisor |
1 | Syeda Sajia Afroz Rumpa | Land Degradation and Marginalization of Tobacco Farmers in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Bandarban District | Mr. Md. Touhidul Alam |
2 | Md. Abedur Rahman | Cost of Siltation on Culture Fisheries: A Case of Hori River of Khulna | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
3 | Gazi Muyenul Hoque | Economics of Rainwater Harvesting: A Case Study of Dhaka City | Dr. Salma Sultan |
4 | Mujahidul Islam | Morphological change in the landscape patterns of urban wetlands and the influential dynamics: A Case Study on Eastern Fringe of Dhaka City | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
Batch: 5, Session: 2015-16
Sl. | Name | Dissertation Title | Supervisor |
1 | Md. Mehedi H. Manik | Climate Change and Aman Rice Production Nexus: A Case Study of Bogra and Joypurhat Districts of Bangladesh | Md. Touhidul Alam |
2 | Md. Maruf Morshed | Economics of Improved Solid Waste Management Services: An Experimental Study on Dhaka South City Corporation | Dr. Salma Sultan |
3 | Kazi Ehsanul Bari | A Study on the State of Implementation of the National Water Policy 1999 of Bangladesh | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
4 | Md. Fozla Hossain | ENRICH- A Holistic Approach to Poverty Eradication: A Case Study of Atulia Union in Satkhira District | Dr. Fazle Rabbi S Ahmed |
5 | Md. Saddam Hossen | Comprehensive Review of National Energy Policy 1996 of Bangladesh | Professor M. Nurul Islam |
6 | Md. Moniruzzaman | Economics of Seedling Production on Floating Bed in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study | Mohammod Akbar Kabir |
Batch: 4, Session: 2014-15
Sl | Student | Dissertation Title | Supervisor |
1 | Mustofa Mahmud Al Mamun | Economics of Fish Fry Collection: A Study on the Halda River | Dr A K M Nazrul Islam |
2 | Santa Sarmin | Economics of Storm Protection by Coastal Mangrove Forest: A Case Study of Patuakhali District in the Face of Cyclone Roanu | Dr A K M Nazrul Islam |
3 | Sanjoy Roy | Economic Viability of Using State Owned Wetlands as Water Reservoir cum Fisheries- A Case Study | Dr A K M Nazrul Islam |
4 | Wasim Akram | Households’ Willingness to Pay for Pure Drinking Water Service: An Empirical Study in Khulna City Corporation Using Discrete Choice Model | Md. Touhidul Alam |
Batch: 3, Session: 2013-14
Sl | Student | Dissertation Title | Supervisor |
1 | Jishan Ara Mitu | Green Fiscal Reforms in the Context of Bangladesh Economy: A Scoping Exercise | Dr A K M Nazrul Islam |
2 | Moumita Roy | Growing Popularity in Maize Cultivation in the Northern Bangladesh: A Case Study of Gangchara Upazila, Rangpur | Md. Touhidul Alam |
3 | Mohammad Maruf Hossain | Dynamics of Rural Land Market: A Case Study of Sonadanga Mouza at Khanpur Union in Bagerhat | Dr. Narayan Chandra Sinha |
4 | Shirin Sharmin | An Analysis of Transportation Investment and Economic Growth in Context of Bangladesh | Dr A K M Nazrul Islam |
5 | Shafiqul Alam | Opportunities and Challenges of Developing NAMA in the Face of Climate Change for Bangladesh | Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad |
6 | Motahar Hosen | Economic Instruments in Controlling Water Pollution: A Case of Textile Industry in Bangladesh | Mohammod Akbar Kabir |
7 | Gazi Asif Salehin | Cost Benefit Analysis of Rural Electrification on the Rural Households of Bangladesh: A Case Study of Domestic Non users | Engr. Md. Anisur Rahman |
8 | Afsana Rahman | Economics of Improved Solid Waste Management Services: A Case Study of Khulna City Corporation | Dr. Salma Sultan & Sadia Islam |
9 | Sumona Hossain | Economics of E waste Management in Dhaka Metro: A Case Study | Dr. Salma Sultan & Tonmoy Chowdhury |
10 | Mamun Ur Rashid | Making Climate Resilient Community: An Analysis of Community Climate Change Project (CCCP) of PKSF | Dr. Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed |
11 | Ahmed Kamrul Hasan | Environmental Cost of Using Top Soil for Brick Making: A Case Study from Alamdanga Upazila of Chuadanga | Dr A K M Nazrul Islam |
Batch: 2, Session: 2012-13
Sl. | Name | Title | Supervisor |
1 | Tonmoy Chowdhury | Bangladesh’s Trade in Climate Smart Goods in the Face of Climate Change: An Analysis of Trends, Trading Patterns and Determinants | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
2 | Md. Mortaza Morshed | Economics of Sanitation Services: A Study of Dhaka City | Prof. Saleh Ahmed |
3 | Somashree Chattapadhya | An Assessment of Water Poverty Indices in the Context of Climate Change: A Study of Selected Vulnerable Developing Countries | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
4 | Md. Arfan Uzzaman | Economic Impact of Scarcity of Water on North-western Bangladesh due to Reduced water Flow in the Teesta River | Dr. Qazi Khliquzzaman Ahmad |
5 | Sadia Islam | Economic Valuation of Historical Sites in Bangladesh: A Case Study of the Sonargaon | Mohammod Akbar Kabir |
6 | Md. Hasan Imtiaj Islam | A Cost-benefit Analysis of Using Solar Home System (SHS): A Study on Dingapota Haor Area of Netrokona | Md. Anisur Rahman |
7 | Mohammad Ibrahim | Life After Migration: A Study of Selected Slums of Dhaka City in the Face of Increasing Climate-Induced Rural-Urban Migration | Prof. Nitai Chandra Nag |
8 | Afsana Sharmin | A Study into Causes and Consequences of Water-logging Problem in the South-western Region of Bangladesh | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
9 | Fatima Khanam | Cost of Water-borne Diseases of Selected Slums of Dhaka City: A Case Study | Dr. Narayan Chandra Sinha |
10 | Khandaker Masudur Rahman | Causes for Migration in the Face of Climate Change: A Case of Resource-poor Households of the Barind Tract of Bangladesh | Dr. Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed |
11 | Ayub Ali | Economic Valuation of Rural Wetlands in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Padma Beel of Pabna | Dr. Syed Naimul Wadood |
12 | Monuar Hossen | A Cost-benefit Analysis of Using Bio-gas: A Case Study of Rural Netrokona | Md. Anisur Rahman |
13 | Md. Anis-ul-Ekram Chowdhury | Recreational Value of the Foy’s Lake in Chittagong: An ITCM Study | Md. Touhidul Alam |
14 | Rashadur Rahman | Assessing Climatic Vulnerability in Bangladesh: A District-level Vulnerability Mapping | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
15 | Md. Mamunur Rashid | Green Banking Practices by the South East Bank Ltd. of Bangladesh: A Case Study | Prof. Nitai Chandra Nag |
Batch: 1, Session: 2011-12
Sl. | Name | Title | Supervisor |
1 | Md. Mahmudul Hasan Chowdhury | Estimating Recreational Benefit of Dhaka Zoo Using Travel Cost Method | Dr. Syed Naimul Wadood |
2 | Mohammad Akbar Kabir | Existence Value of the Royal Bengal Tiger Conservation in the Sunderbans: A Contingent Valuation Study | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
3 | Radia Tamim | Environmental Performance and Economic Growth: Evidences from Selected South Asian Countries | Prof. Rezai K. Khondker |
4 | Md Sajib Hossain | Estimating Recreational Values from Kuakata Sea Beach: A Travel Cost Analysis | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
5 | M Anowar Hossain | Socio –Economic Analysis of Haor Ecosystem : A case of Hakaluki Haor | Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad |
6 | Md. Touhidul Alam | Assessing Climate Change Induced Poverty Vulnerability: A Comparative Study of Two Selected Areas | Prof. Pk. Md. Matiur Rahman |
7 | Md. Anisur Rahman | Cost and Benefit Analysis of Introducing Pre-paid Metering System of Domestic Gas Users: A Study of Dhaka City | Dr. A K M Nazrul Islam |
8 | Mohammad Wahid Ahmed | Causes and Consequences of Childhood Diahorreal Dideases: A Study of Two Selected Slums of Dhaka City | Dr. Narayan C Sinha |
9 | Abu Saleh Mahmud Mannafi | Economic Analysis of the Impacts of Ship-breaking Industry of Bangladesh: Cases of Pollution Abatement and Sustainable Waste Management | Mr. M. Ehsanul Kabir |
10 | Md. Abdul Kader Talukder | Economics of Wastewater Treatment and Recycling: An Investigation of Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) | Mr. M. Ehsanul Kabir |