BEcon in Environmental and Resource Economics
Batch: 1, Session: 2015-16 Sl. Student Name Dissertation Title Supervisor 1 Sanjida Afroz Economics of Jute Cultivation: A Case Study of Chandpur District Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad 2 Taslima Akter Understanding the Economics of Solar Powered Irrigation System in Bangladesh: A Case Study Kazi Ehsanul Bari 3 Sumaia Binta Chowdhury Pesticide for Agriculture: An Assessment […]

MEcon in Environmental Economics
Batch: 9, Session: 2019-20 Sl. Student Dissertation Title Supervisor 1 Tasnim Tabassum Assessing Morphological Transformation of Agricultural Land and the Economic Consequences: A Case Study of Ishwardi Dr. Salma Sultan 2 Sumita Roy Environmental Cost of Traffic Congestion: An Evidence from Dhaka City, Bangladesh Mohammod Akbar Kabir 3 Md. Easir Amin Energy for Economic Development: […]